
Thank you for reading this document! 🎉

Any changes, big or small, that you think can help improve this project are more than welcome.

As well as this, feel free to open an issue with any new suggestions or bug reports. Every contribution is appreciated.

🎪 Project structure

seaport is divided into two main sections:

  • Updating the portfile and copying it to the clipboard (clipboard)

  • Sending the pull request (pull_request)

Directories within each of these sections contain docstrings in their to explain what their purpose is. The same is true with the individual files.

The modules in both these folders are imported and used in their designated “main” file. For the clipboard section, it’s _clipboard/, and for the PR section, it’s _pull_request/ This is what is run when the CLT is used.

The Python API is located in

🏗 Setting up the project

First, clone the project and install all the dependencies. This also installs a pre-commit hook to lint the code.

git clone
cd seaport
poetry install && poetry shell
pre-commit install
seaport --help

🚀 Commits

As of v0.6.1, seaport uses commitizen to help manage commits.

To make a commit, stage the relevant changes, and then run cz c.

🚧 Removing trailing whitespace

One of the git commit hooks might complain that a file has trailing whitespace. To remove it from a file, run the following (credit):

find . -iname FILE -type f -exec sed -i '' 's/[[:space:]]\{1,\}$//' {} \+

📚 Build the Docs

The documentation can be found in docs/source.

We can use sphinx-autobuild to continuously rebuild the docs when changes are made.

sphinx-autobuild docs/source docs/_build/html

🧪 Testing

🏃 Running Tests

The test scripts can be found in scripts/tests. Please make sure all tests pass before sending a PR. Thank you :)

To run all the tests at once, run bash ./scripts/tests/ from the root directory. Don’t copy/paste while running the tests, and make sure you have nothing important in your clipboard.

📝 Writing Tests

When writing tests, note that doctests are preferred to test files. However, use test files if mocking is necessary or if it wouldn’t make sense to add a certain test to the documentation (e.g. testing internal features).

When adding a test file, please name it according to the file it’s testing and place it in a corresponding directory. (e.g. _clipboard/ would correspond to clipboard_tests/